The PC board tracking label uses ink that would not fade in the wash cycle and an adhesive that would not let go in the full immersion cycle. BarScan even met the challenge of developing a label that survived aqueous cleaning solutions. Now BarScan newest PC Board label is better and costs about half as much as the original.
Two methods are used to protect the image during use. The most effective method is a 1 mil opaque polyimide laminate. However, since polyimide films are costly components, this method is also the most expensive. The second method is a UV-cured coating applied over the image. This product offers protection under all production conditions but can be scraped away with effort.
The laminate used on BarScan PC Board / Polyimide labels seals the image under translucent film on a pigmented film facestock. BarScan’s PC Board labels feature a 2 mil polyimide facestock that withstands temperatures up to 500°C. The adhesive designed to perform up to 500°C. The adhesive used is a high-temperature adhesive specifically designed for use on printed circuit board bar code labels and aerospace applications where low out gassing properties are required.
These labels meet ANSI standards for print contrast signals and minimum reflectance ratios for bar code print quality. They can be used for short periods (minutes, hours) at temperatures up to 500°C and for intermittent longer periods of time (days, weeks) up to 149°C (300°F). The nominal thickness of components is 5.5 mils. Total tolerance, however can be ± .5 mil.
The labels do not show shrinkage after exposure to above mentioned high temperature for 60 minutes |